The Buddy Death
The reinterpretation of cliche imagery and the concept of branding (and re-branding) is the basis of this series. I got the idea from the movie Dogma by Kevin Smith. The concept of the Catholic church re-branding the image of Jesus Christ into the Buddy Christ was so funny to me that I wondered how that concept could be applied elsewhere. Throughout history the image of the Grim Reaper, or a similar skeletal figure, has represented the personification of Death through many cultures. Most depictions of this character are representing him in his primary occupation, taking the souls of the living. Death is depicted a a thing or persona to be feared. Yet Death is with us everyday, in every moment. It is an integral part of humanity, the ying to the yang of Life. If Death is a person, then that person must have a personality and could not possibly be working in his primary occupation 24/7. So, in my attempt to re-brand the personifacation of Death I depict the Grim Reaper going through everyday life, doing benign, everyday activities. To paraphrase George Carlin, Death can be funny, under the right circumstances.